Wanzhu Mountain Residence by Qi Baishi

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Wanzhu Mountain Residence by Qi Baishi

Auction Information

Product:Wanzhu Mountain Residence by Qi Baishi


Starting Price:1,600,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


齐白石的绘画成就在于他独特的艺术风格和创新的表现手法,他将传统的写实与个人的情感表达相结合,形成了一种独特的艺术语言,对中国现代绘画产生了重要的影响。他的作品在艺术界享有很高的声誉,也成为了当代绘画的经典之作。 此副《万竹山居图》即是粗细结合的典型。画山用粗笔勾写,近于披麻皴,明断而强劲。以“米点”法点苔,远望若一簇簇树丛。用细笔画竹竿,以“个字法”画竹叶,然后以花青加染,表现出竹林的青翠和层次。房屋的瓦顶亦细勾重染,一丝不苟。坡岸、沙洲和鸬鹚,则全以淡墨没骨法出之。艺术价值以及经济价值极高!Qi Baishi's painting achievement lies in his unique artistic style and innovative expression techniques. He combines traditional realism with personal emotion expression to form a unique artistic language, which has an important influence on modern Chinese painting. His works enjoy a high reputation in the art world and have become classics of contemporary painting. This "Wanzhushan Residence Map" is a typical combination of thickness and fine. Painting mountain with a thick brush to write, close to the hemp cun, clear and strong. With the "rice point" method of moss, far away like a cluster of trees. Bamboo sticks are drawn with thin strokes, bamboo leaves are painted with "one-character method", and then dyed with cyanine to show the verdant and layered bamboo forest. The tile roof of the house is also carefully dyed, meticulous. Slopes, sandbanks and cormorants are all made with light ink and no bones. Artistic value and economic value is very high!