Wu Guanzhong Landscape Album

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Wu Guanzhong Landscape Album

Auction Information

Product:Wu Guanzhong Landscape Album


Starting Price:510,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:35*49*24张 共12页

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


吴冠中(1919年8月29日-2010年6月25日),笔名荼,出生于江苏省宜兴县。他是现当代著名画家、美术教育家。吴冠中的艺术成就颇高,是首位入选法兰西学院艺术院通讯院士的中国籍艺术家,曾获“法国文化艺术最高勋位”奖、文化部“造型表演艺术创作研究成就”奖等诸多奖项。2002年,他入选法兰西学士院艺术院通讯院士。其作品在国内外艺术市场上也备受青睐。Wu Guanzhong (August 29, 1919- June 25, 2010), pen name Tu, was born in Yixing County, Jiangsu Province. He is a famous contemporary painter and art educator. Wu Guanzhong's artistic achievements are quite high, and he is the first Chinese artist to be selected as a corresponding academician of the French Academy of Arts. He has won many awards such as the "highest honor of French culture and art" award and the "Research Achievement Award for Creative Performance Art Creation" from the Ministry of Culture. In 2002, he was elected as a corresponding academician of the French Academy of Fine Arts. His works are also highly favored in the domestic and international art markets.