A pair of Persian cloisonn é wine vessels

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A pair of Persian cloisonn é wine vessels

Auction Information

Product:A pair of Persian cloisonn é wine vessels


Starting Price:9,210,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此对波斯景泰蓝酒器的制作工艺极为复杂,采用绘画、雕刻、花丝镶嵌等多种技术,融合了波斯文化的元素,使其酒器金碧辉煌、华丽繁复,展现了极高的艺术价值和审美追求。保存非常完好,年代久远,有较高的收藏价值。The production process of this pair of Persian cloisonn é wine vessels is extremely complex, using various techniques such as painting, carving, and filigree inlay, integrating elements of Persian culture, making the vessels magnificent, gorgeous, and complex, demonstrating high artistic value and aesthetic pursuit. Very well preserved, with a long history and high collection value.