Qing, bronze gilded statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

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Qing, bronze gilded statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Auction Information

Product:Qing, bronze gilded statue of Shakyamuni Buddha


Starting Price:1,620,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


铸造精美,释迦牟尼结跏趺坐坐于双层莲座上,莲座莲办厚实,边缘有精美串珠纹。他的右手垂下结触地印,左手放在膝盖上方结「禅定印」。他身着一件袈裟,衣纹流畅。释迦牟尼面容平静安详,双眼低垂,双眉之间有白毫,面带微笑,两侧是长耳垂。他的头发成螺髻宝珠顶,这是该时期皇家佛教铜器造像的典型特征。Exquisite casting, Shakyamuni sits on a double layered lotus pedestal with a thick lotus handle and exquisite bead patterns on the edges. His right hand hangs down to make a ground contact mark, and his left hand is placed above his knee to make a 'meditation mark'. He was wearing a robe with smooth patterns. Shakyamuni's face was calm and serene, with lowered eyes and white hairs between his eyebrows. He wore a smile and had long earlobes on both sides. His hair was tied in a spiral bun and topped with precious pearls, which is a typical feature of royal Buddhist bronze statues during that period.