Kalimantan medicine agarwood

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Kalimantan medicine agarwood

Auction Information

Product:Kalimantan medicine agarwood


Starting Price:2,000,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


明朝郑和下西洋得此沉香贡献于天子,后李时珍发现此沉香兼诸多入药之效,具安神助眠之神效,闻之,睡意渐浓,酣然入睡。称药沉香(药沉),收录于《本草纲目》中,位于2711味之C位。         药沉为明清两朝宫廷御用,清中期朝廷派员抵产地加里曼丹尽数搜缴此香老料藏于宫中,近代几经时代更迭药沉已成孤品,难觅踪影。        此香,闻之,沉香的山野花香、果香、奶香、蜜香、奶香、缕缕凉蕴皆尽数于中,且夹带着一股淳陈浓郁让人心旷神怡的神奇药香,磅礴气韵扑鼻直抵天灵,让人欲罢不能,呼呼欲睡。正如,此物只应天上有…… 天然野生老料仓料药沉香,品相尊起霜雾层,入水霜雾层自裹隔水,满结油,秒沉水。Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty obtained this agarwood during his voyages to the West and contributed it to the emperor. Later, Li Shizhen discovered that this agarwood also had many medicinal effects, such as calming the mind and aiding sleep. Hearing it, the drowsiness gradually intensified and one fell asleep soundly. Known as Medicinal Chenxiang (Medicinal Chenxiang), it is included in the Compendium of Materia Medica and is located at position C of 2711. Yaochen was used by the imperial court of the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the middle of the Qing dynasty, the court sent officials to the production area of Kalimantan to search for and collect this fragrant herb hidden in the palace. After several changes in modern times, Yaochen has become a rare item and is difficult to find. This fragrance, when smelled, exudes the mountain and wild fragrance, fruity aroma, milky aroma, honey aroma, milky aroma, and strands of coolness of agarwood. It is accompanied by a strong and refreshing magical medicinal fragrance, with a majestic aura that reaches straight to the heavens, making people unable to stop and sleepy. Just as this thing should only exist in the sky Natural wild old silo material medicine agarwood, with a frost and mist layer on its appearance. When immersed in water, the frost and mist layer self wraps and blocks water, becoming fully oiled and sinking into the water in seconds.