Wu Changshuo landscape pattern red field seal

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Wu Changshuo landscape pattern red field seal

Auction Information

Product:Wu Changshuo landscape pattern red field seal


Starting Price:405,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


吴昌硕(1844年9月12日 [29]—1927年11月29日),初名俊,又名俊卿,字昌硕,他集“诗、书、画、印”为一身,融金石书画为一炉,被誉为“石鼓篆书第一人”、“文人画最后的高峰”。此枚吴昌硕款山水纹红田印章,印文为“腹有诗书气自华”。红田是自然生成的一身原红色,“天生佳丽”,色如橘皮,红中带赭,称橘皮红,“红田”极为少见,其质细嫩凝润,微透明,肌理隐含萝卜纹,是稀有的石种。收藏价值极高!Wu Changshuo (September 12, 1844 [29] - November 29, 1927), the initial name of Jun, also known as Junqing, the character Changshuo, he set "poetry, books, painting, printing" as a body, the fusion of stone painting and calligraphy as a stove, known as "the first person of stone drum seal script", "the last peak of literati painting". This Wu Changshuo landscape pattern red field seal, the seal is "the abdomen has poetry gas from China". Red field is a natural generation of original red, "born beautiful", color such as orange peel, red with ochre, called orange peel red, "red field" is extremely rare, its quality is delicate and coagulate, micro transparent, texture hidden radish pattern, is a rare stone. Very high collection value