Van Gogh Pissarro's works go online, Impressionism's evening shoot in London

 Auction Information     |      未知    |    2023-06-15 14:58

All three works are sourced from Gaston Ravi's art collection and were recently returned to Ravi's descendants after being scattered during the Nazi occupation. Levi was renowned in the art circle of Paris in the 1920s and 1930s, as a well-known sponsor and collector, as well as a successful businessman and real estate developer. Its luxurious mansion is filled with books, paintings, and artworks, mostly purchased from renowned art brokers at the time, such as Bernheim Jeune, Paul Durand Ruel, and Ambroise Vollard.

Golden Horn, Morning, by Paul Siniek, 1907, painted canvas, 73 x 92 cm, valuation: 5000000 – 7000000 pounds Lot No. 12

Vincent van Gogh's "Sitting Statue of a Rural Woman", 1885, painted on canvas, pasted on a canvas, 32.2 x 25 cm, estimated at £ 900000 – £ 120000 Lot No. 26

In 1833, Van Gogh moved to Nenen, Netherlands, focusing on honing his drawing and oil painting skills. He initially mostly created sketches, but later began to create oil paintings, and "The Sitting Statue of a Rural Woman" was one of the few oil paintings of this period. This simple and exquisite work was painted in 1885. Van Gogh's first masterpiece, The Potato Eater, was also born in the same year. This series has twelve oil paintings, most of which are collected in important museums, including Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.
This series of works shows Van Gogh's social care. Themed at the people in the countryside of Province of Brabant Province, it captures the moment when farmers go to work in the field or rest in the farmhouse, and radiates the inner glory in the ordinary. This work has been in the same private collection in the United States for the past 25 years and has not been seen in the market for many years. It is now making its debut on the set.
In addition, the sketches created by Van Gogh during his life in The Hague, such as "The Blacksmith's Works" and "The Lonely Man," also have tragic portrayals. The Farmer Digging Potatoes "is Van Gogh's representative work during his life in Nenen, creating dynamic and dynamic scenes with rich and powerful strokes. These three sketches have only been publicly displayed once in the past 55 years.

The Lonely Man ", written in 1882, in pencil, ink, and watercolor paper, 34 x 27.4 cm, estimated at £ 400000-50000 Lot number 28

Francis Bikabia's "Under the Olive Tree (All Kinds of Love)", circa 1925-26, with oil and Ripolin enamel paint panels, 74.5 x 104.5 cm, estimated at £ 1500000 – £ 2000000 Lot number 15