清 乾隆青花方口贯耳瓶

清 乾隆青花方口贯耳瓶


藏 品:清 乾隆青花方口贯耳瓶

編 號:1008



規 格:H:38cm B:15.5cm*12.5cm C:12cm*9.5cm D:21cm*17cm




清乾隆青花方口贯耳瓶, 底部篆书“大清乾隆年制”六字三行青花款。该器造型典雅古朴、端庄大气;方中见圆,圆中见方;方器烧制难度非常大,收藏界流行宁要一方不要十圆。青花发色浑厚、沉稳;纹饰精细、繁密;层次分明、繁而不乱。主题纹饰以山水、花鸟、竹石、松鹤构绘了一幅意境深远,笔墨精湛的大自然美景。此瓶乃乾隆盛世官窑器物,为乾隆时期景德镇御窑厂烧制的希世精品之作。Qing Qianlong Blue and White Square Mouth Ear Vase, with a seal script at the bottom that reads "Made in the Year of Qing Qianlong" in six characters and three lines of blue and white. The design of the device is elegant and rustic, dignified and atmospheric; A circle within a square, and a square within a circle; The difficulty of firing square utensils is very high, and it is popular in the collection industry to prefer one square to ten yuan. Blue and white hair has a rich and stable color; Fine and intricate patterns; Clear hierarchy, complex yet not chaotic. The theme decoration depicts a profound and exquisite natural beauty with mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, bamboo and stones, and pine and cranes. This bottle is an official kiln artifact from the prosperous era of Qianlong, and is a masterpiece fired by the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory during the Qianlong period.