元代 釉里红凤穿花卉纹四爱图带盖梅瓶

元代 釉里红凤穿花卉纹四爱图带盖梅瓶


藏 品:元代 釉里红凤穿花卉纹四爱图带盖梅瓶

編 號:1010



規 格:H:48cm B:13cm




元代 釉里红凤穿花卉纹四爱图带盖梅瓶 是一种釉下彩瓷器,它以凤穿花卉纹和四爱图为主题纹饰,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。此梅瓶的制作过程非常复杂,工艺与青花相似,但成品率比青花低得多。瓶身图案精致传神且自然逼真,展现了元代人物画的高超技艺,是元代青花瓷工艺的杰出代表。釉里红瓷器在元代属于珍贵的瓷器品种,传世品较少。由于其制作困难和成品率低,釉里红瓷器的生产在历史上曾数度中止。因此,传世的元代釉里红瓷器更为珍贵,备受收藏界青睐。The Yuan Dynasty underglaze red phoenix with floral patterns and the four love picture with a lid plum vase is a type of underglaze colored porcelain. It is decorated with the theme of phoenix with floral patterns and the four love picture, and has extremely high artistic and collectible value. The production process of this plum vase is very complex, and the craftsmanship is similar to that of blue and white, but the yield is much lower than that of blue and white. The exquisite and lifelike design of the bottle body showcases the superb skills of Yuan Dynasty figure painting, making it an outstanding representative of Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain craftsmanship. In the Yuan Dynasty, underglaze red porcelain was a precious type of porcelain, with few surviving items. Due to its difficulty in production and low yield, the production of underglaze red porcelain has been suspended several times in history. Therefore, the inherited Yuan Dynasty underglaze red porcelain is even more precious and highly favored by the collection industry.