清 乾隆青花云龙戏珠纹螭龙耳抱月瓶

清 乾隆青花云龙戏珠纹螭龙耳抱月瓶


藏 品:清 乾隆青花云龙戏珠纹螭龙耳抱月瓶

編 號:1034



規 格:H:50cm D:38.5cm B:16cm




此抱月瓶绘五爪飞龙,气势万千,穿梭繁花折枝地,器形硕大无比,将乾隆帝的思古之情,纳于一身,甚得乾隆帝青睐,绘正面龙纹的青花抱月瓶极为珍稀。此式龙纹初现于十六世纪中期,至乾隆时期加以精制,云龙翻腾有力,威震天地,目光如炬,直视焰珠及观者,象征皇权至上,显彰帝王天威。此瓶青花发色深入胎骨,纹饰强而有力,圈足内书青花【大清乾隆年制】六字篆书款。This moon hugging vase is painted with five clawed flying dragons, with a grand momentum that shuttles through the fields of flowers and branches. Its shape is incredibly large, embodying Emperor Qianlong's nostalgia for the past. It is highly favored by Emperor Qianlong, and the blue and white moon hugging vase with dragon patterns on the front is extremely rare. This dragon pattern first appeared in the mid-16th century and was refined during the Qianlong period. The cloud dragon is powerful and majestic, shining like a flame, directly facing the flame beads and viewers, symbolizing the supremacy of imperial power and showcasing the emperor's heavenly power. The blue and white hair color of this bottle is deep into the fetal bones, and the decoration is strong and powerful. The inside of the ring foot is inscribed with a six character seal script style of blue and white [made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty].