


藏 品:钧窑紫玖瑰天青釉皮襄壶

編 號:1065



規 格:H:32.8cm D:15.6cm




钧窑,即钧台窑,是在柴窑和鲁山花瓷的风格基础上综合而成的一种独特风格,其工艺技术发挥到极致。皮襄壶,因形如皮革缝制的水襄而故名。此钧窑皮襄壶高32Cm,扁体,下部丰满,壶两面随形起线,顶端一侧为短直流,另一侧有绳纹曲柄。胎质较粗松,通体施以天蓝色釉,釉厚而不匀,釉流下垂处聚釉达到了“垂若蜡泪"的程度,釉面桔皮纹明显。局部泛出玖瑰紫红窑变斑,形成彤云密布之景象。施釉不到底,底足露胎。”纵有家财万贯,不如钧瓷一片"。钧窑作品,可谓是古代劳动人民智慧的结晶和民族艺术精品的集中体现。而钧窑的浑然天成的艺术价值也是人们所青睐的,所以在拍卖市场上一直受到藏家厚爱。由于钧窑瓷器的传世品较少,真品在明代以后就非常难得,因此保存完好的钧窑器极为难得,可遇不可求,值得收藏。Jun Kiln, also known as Juntai Kiln, is a unique style that combines the styles of Chai Kiln and Lushan Flower Porcelain, and its craftsmanship is maximized. The Pi Xiang teapot is named after a water Xiang shaped like leather sewn. This Jun Kiln Pixiang Pot is 32 cm high, flat, with a full bottom. The two sides of the pot follow the shape of the thread, and the top side has a short DC, while the other side has a rope patterned crank. The texture of the glaze is relatively coarse and loose, with a sky blue glaze applied throughout the body. The glaze is thick and uneven, and the sagging part of the glaze has gathered glaze to a degree of "hanging like wax tears". The orange peel pattern on the glaze surface is obvious. In some areas, there are spots of rose purple red kiln transformation, forming a scene of dense clouds. The glaze is not applied to the bottom, and the base is exposed. "Even if there is a wealth of family, it is not as good as Jun porcelain.". The works of Jun Kiln can be said to be the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient laboring people and the concentrated embodiment of national artistic excellence. The natural artistic value of Jun kiln is also favored by people, so it has always been favored by collectors in the auction market. Due to the limited number of surviving Jun kiln porcelain, genuine ones were extremely rare after the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, well preserved Jun kiln porcelain is extremely rare, rare and worth collecting.