元 青花象耳盘口瓶

元 青花象耳盘口瓶


藏 品:元 青花象耳盘口瓶

編 號:1074



規 格:H:60.96cm




​此元 青花象耳盘口瓶高60.96cm,盘口、束直颈、丰肩 、弧腹下收,底足渐宽,颈饰青花双象耳。整器造型挺秀、俏丽,瓷质洁白细密,青花呈色稳定。口沿以下肩部绘缠枝花卉纹、蕉叶纹.莲纹,神态自若,超凡如仙,表现出他运筹帷幄之中、决胜千里之外的神态。车前两个步卒手持长矛开道,一位青年将军英姿勃发,一行人与山色树石构成了一幅壮观而又优美的山水人物画卷。整个青花纹饰呈色浓艳,画面饱满,疏密有致,主次分明,浑然一体。人物刻画流畅自然,神韵十足,山石皴染酣畅淋漓,笔笔精到,十分完美,是元青花瓷器中的精粹之作。This blue and white elephant ear bottle has a height of 60.96cm, with a flat mouth, a straight neck, ample shoulders, and a curved belly. The bottom foot gradually widens, and the neck is decorated with blue and white double elephant ears. The overall design is elegant and beautiful, with porcelain that is pure white and delicate, and the blue and white colors are stable. The shoulder below the mouth is painted with intertwined floral patterns, banana leaf patterns, and lotus patterns, exuding a calm and extraordinary demeanor, resembling an immortal, displaying his demeanor of strategizing and winning thousands of miles away. The two infantry soldiers in front of the car were holding spears as they drove along. A young general was full of bravery, and the group, along with the mountains, trees, and stones, formed a spectacular and beautiful landscape painting. The entire blue and white decoration is rich and vibrant in color, with a full and dense picture, clear priorities, and a seamless integration. The character portrayal is smooth and natural, full of charm, and the mountains and rocks are dyed and dyed profusely. The brushstrokes are exquisite and perfect, making it a masterpiece of Yuan blue and white porcelain.