清乾隆 斗彩加粉彩三多双蝠耳抱月瓶

清乾隆 斗彩加粉彩三多双蝠耳抱月瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 斗彩加粉彩三多双蝠耳抱月瓶

編 號:1081


成交價:GBP: 1,000,000.00

規 格:H:30cm




瓶撇口,束颈,肩处饰对称双凤形耳,扁圆腹,椭圆形圈足。本品完美揉合釉下、釉上彩,营造和谐悦目的画面。口沿下侧绘斗彩如意纹一周,颈部绘蝠纹,腹部描绘寿桃、佛手、石榴之组成三多图样,整瓷处枝叶、花卉以斗彩描绘外,果实另取各色粉彩填涂,颇为繁复。瓷匠先于素胎上勾画间断釉下青花图案,再经上釉、窑烧,最后施釉上彩完成整个构图。如此繁复制作,除明代五彩瓷外,近乎见所未见。底以青花书“大清乾隆年制”六字三行篆书款。Bottle mouth, neck tied, shoulder adorned with symmetrical phoenix shaped ears, flat and round belly, elliptical circular feet. This product perfectly blends underglaze and overglaze colors to create a harmonious and pleasing image. The lower side of the mouth is painted with a colorful Ruyi pattern, the neck is painted with a bat pattern, and the abdomen is painted with three different patterns of longevity peaches, Buddha's hands, and pomegranates. The entire porcelain area, including branches, leaves, and flowers, is painted with colorful colors, while the fruits are filled with various colored pastels, which is quite complicated. The porcelain craftsman first sketches intermittent underglaze blue and white patterns on the bare body, then undergoes glazing, kiln firing, and finally applies glaze and color to complete the entire composition. Such a complex production is almost unprecedented, except for the Ming Dynasty's colorful porcelain. The bottom is printed in blue and white script with six characters and three lines in seal script, produced in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.