大清乾隆年制 描金堆塑二龙赶珠纹梅瓶

大清乾隆年制 描金堆塑二龙赶珠纹梅瓶


藏 品:大清乾隆年制 描金堆塑二龙赶珠纹梅瓶

編 號:1088



規 格:H:27cm C:5.8cm B:11.8cm




大清乾隆年制描金堆塑二龙赶珠纹梅瓶是一款清代乾隆年间制作的精美瓷器,以其独特的堆塑工艺、描金装饰和二龙赶珠纹图案而著称。这款梅瓶不仅是一件瓷器艺术珍品,也体现了乾隆时期瓷器烧制技术的精湛工艺。梅瓶是清代瓷器中常见的一种器型,其形状特征为瓶颈细长,瓶身饱满,底部渐收敛。大清乾隆年制描金堆塑二龙赶珠纹梅瓶的瓶身装饰有精美的二龙赶珠纹图案。两条龙分别描绘在瓶身的两侧,呈追逐宝珠的姿态,形象生动,气势磅礴。描金工艺使龙纹图案更加立体,增添了一种华贵富丽的氛围。此外,梅瓶的颈部装饰有金色的项圈,与整体装饰相得益彰。瓶颈处还配有金色金属扣,使整个梅瓶更具尊贵气质。瓶底有“大清乾隆年制”的款识,并且是稀有的纯金字体,工整清晰,见证了这件瓷器的年代和制作工艺。展现了清代瓷器制作的卓越成就和中华传统文化的独特魅力。The Plum Vase with Two Dragons and Driving Beads Pattern, made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, is an exquisite porcelain made during that time. It is known for its unique stacking technique, gold decoration, and the pattern of two dragons and driving pearls. This plum vase is not only a porcelain art treasure, but also reflects the exquisite craftsmanship of porcelain firing during the Qianlong period. The plum vase is a common type of porcelain in the Qing Dynasty, characterized by a slender neck, a full body, and a gradually converging bottom. The body of the plum vase made in the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty is decorated with exquisite patterns of two dragons chasing pearls. The two dragons are depicted on either side of the bottle, in a chasing posture, vivid and majestic. The gold painting technique makes the dragon pattern more three-dimensional, adding a luxurious and magnificent atmosphere. In addition, the neck of the plum vase is decorated with a golden collar, which complements the overall decoration. The bottleneck is also equipped with a golden metal buckle, making the entire plum vase more noble and elegant. The bottom of the bottle bears the inscription "Made in the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty", and is a rare pure gold font that is neat and clear, witnessing the era and production process of this porcelain. Showcasing the outstanding achievements of Qing Dynasty porcelain production and the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture