清乾隆 黄地矾红描金缠枝莲纹天球瓶

清乾隆 黄地矾红描金缠枝莲纹天球瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 黄地矾红描金缠枝莲纹天球瓶

編 號:1090



規 格:H:52.5cm D:34.5cm




本品造型古雅庄重,黄釉打底矾红彩描金绘缠枝花卉纹,线条流畅纹饰精美,尽显皇家风范,黄地矾红彩描金这种工艺在清代中期达到巅峰,其运用在瓶身的缠枝莲花卉纹更是乾隆时期典型纹饰,黄地矾红彩描金使瓶身耀眼光泽亮丽,天球瓶造型源于古代天文学,寓意“天人合一”之意,此品底款“大清乾隆年制”六字端正清晰,代表乾隆盛世辉煌和精湛制瓷技艺。This product has an elegant and dignified design, with a yellow glazed base, alum red color gold painting, and entangled flower patterns. The lines are smooth and the patterns are exquisite, fully showcasing the royal style. The yellow ground alum red color gold painting technique reached its peak in the mid Qing Dynasty, and its use of entangled lotus flower patterns on the bottle body is a typical decoration of the Qianlong period. The yellow ground alum red color gold painting makes the bottle body dazzling and shiny, and the Tianqiu bottle shape originates from ancient astronomy, symbolizing "unity of heaven and man". The bottom of this product, "Made in the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty," has six clear characters, representing the glory and exquisite porcelain making skills of the Qianlong era.