大清乾隆年制 枣红釉描金琮式瓶

大清乾隆年制 枣红釉描金琮式瓶


藏 品:大清乾隆年制 枣红釉描金琮式瓶

編 號:1093



規 格:H:25cm C:8.5cm B:9.8cm




大清乾隆年制枣红釉描金琮式瓶是一款清代乾隆年间制作的精美瓷器,以其独特的造型、枣红釉的色泽以及描金装饰而著称。这款瓶子不仅是一件瓷器艺术珍品,也体现了乾隆时期瓷器烧制技术的精湛工艺。枣红釉描金琮式瓶的形状仿新石器时代的玉琮设计,呈现出古朴典雅的氛围。瓶身枣红釉色泽饱满,给人以稳重、深邃的感觉。在瓶身的四面,分别描绘有描金吉祥图案,如蝙蝠、盘肠、宝剑等,这些图案寓意吉祥如意,表达了人们对美好生活的向往。瓶子的颈部装饰有金色的项圈,增添了瓶子的尊贵气质。瓶颈处还配有金色金属扣,与整体装饰相得益彰。瓶底有“大清乾隆年制”的款识,字体工整清晰,证明了这件瓷器的年代和制作工艺。The jujube red glazed gilded Cong style vase made during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty is a beautiful porcelain made during that period, known for its unique shape, the color of the jujube red glaze, and gilded decoration. This bottle is not only a porcelain art treasure, but also reflects the exquisite craftsmanship of porcelain firing during the Qianlong period. The shape of the jujube red glazed golden cong style bottle imitates the jade cong design of the Neolithic era, presenting a simple and elegant atmosphere. The jujube red glaze on the bottle has a full color, giving people a sense of stability and depth. On all four sides of the bottle, there are auspicious patterns painted in gold, such as bats, intestines, swords, etc. These patterns symbolize good luck and express people's longing for a better life. The neck of the bottle is decorated with a golden collar, adding to the bottle's noble temperament. The bottleneck is also equipped with a golden metal buckle, which complements the overall decoration. The bottom of the bottle bears the inscription "Made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty", and the font is neat and clear, proving the age and production process of this porcelain.