大清乾隆年制 粉彩寿桃开窗缠枝纹赏瓶

大清乾隆年制 粉彩寿桃开窗缠枝纹赏瓶


藏 品:大清乾隆年制 粉彩寿桃开窗缠枝纹赏瓶

編 號:1104



規 格:H:33cm C:9cm B:11.7cm




大清乾隆年制粉彩寿桃开窗缠枝纹赏瓶是中国清代瓷器中的瑰宝,展现了乾隆年间粉彩瓷器制作的精湛技艺和独特的艺术风格。这款赏瓶不仅在造型、釉色、纹饰和工艺等方面表现出极高的艺术水平,还蕴含了丰富的文化内涵和历史价值。这款赏瓶的设计优雅,瓶身为长颈、撇口、圆腹、圈足的形状。瓶颈处装饰有开窗纹样,窗内绘有寿桃纹饰,窗框周围则饰以缠枝纹,增添了画面的层次感和动感。瓶身线条流畅,造型饱满,显得庄重而不失灵动。这款赏瓶采用粉彩釉,釉色娇嫩欲滴,底釉均匀光润。粉彩是一种在瓷器表面绘制彩色图案的技法,其特点是色彩丰富、层次分明,具有强烈的立体感。这款赏瓶的釉色搭配巧妙,使得画面更加生动活泼。这款赏瓶的主题纹饰是寿桃纹,寿桃在中国传统文化中象征着长寿和吉祥。瓶身上的寿桃绘制精细,果实饱满,枝叶繁茂,充满生机。寿桃周围还往往伴有蝙蝠、云纹等辅助纹饰,增强了画面的层次感和动感。The pink longevity peach window with intertwined branches, made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, is a treasure in Chinese Qing Dynasty porcelain, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship and unique artistic style of pink porcelain production during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. This appreciation bottle not only demonstrates a high level of artistic level in terms of shape, glaze color, decoration, and craftsmanship, but also contains rich cultural connotations and historical value. The design of this bottle is elegant, with a long neck, curled mouth, round belly, and circular legs. The bottleneck is decorated with window patterns, with peach patterns painted inside the window and tangled branches around the window frame, adding a sense of hierarchy and dynamism to the picture. The bottle has smooth lines and a full shape, appearing solemn yet agile. This appreciation bottle is made of pink glaze, with a delicate and dripping glaze color, and a uniform and smooth base glaze. Pink painting is a technique for drawing colored patterns on the surface of porcelain, characterized by rich colors, clear layers, and a strong sense of three dimensionality. The glaze color of this bottle is cleverly matched, making the picture more lively and lively. The theme decoration of this bottle is the longevity peach pattern, which symbolizes longevity and auspiciousness in traditional Chinese culture. The longevity peaches on the bottle are finely drawn, with full fruits and lush branches and leaves, full of vitality. The longevity peach is often accompanied by auxiliary decorations such as bats and cloud patterns, enhancing the layering and dynamism of the picture.