


藏 品:大明成化斗彩龙凤呈祥盘

編 號:1116



規 格:C:41cm B:26cm H:7.5cm




明成化门彩五彩龙凤呈祥双云龙盘"是一种非常珍贵的明代中国瓷器。 这种盘子的特点是胎质细腻,釉脂莹润如玉,色彩艳丽,盘心画龙凤飞舞如意云纹,内壁用甜白釉画灵芝纹八朵,外壁绘双龙戏云,底部有青花书「 大明成化年制」双圈六字楷款。这种盘子并运用多种技巧天工,有填彩、点彩、覆彩、染彩等技法。 呈色浓淡搭配讲究,选题讲究,这件器物精心配制合适纹样,结构多样,可规矩端正,也可随意自然其绘画图案皆为宫廷画师亲自创作,其线条生动流畅,笔法活泼。 成化斗彩纹饰特色纤细柔和,以双线勾勒填色,淡雅飘逸,装饰方法多样呈色浓淡搭配讲究,青花发色明快沉穏,绘画细致,生动逼眞,故能运用自如,搭配参考古 画,各见精彩得其精髓,五色满目,视觉效果强烈,特别是成化御窑厂当时工艺要烧造此器型硕大烧制时成品率极低,可见烧造工艺不易之大成的杰作, 展现了明成化时期瓷器工艺的高超技术,堪称珍罕,尽现皇家气势,尤其是诸彩中姹紫"或"差紫",其特点是;赤铁色浓,表面粗糙而干涩无光 是成化年间所创造出独歩本朝的千古绝唱。成化"鲜红彩"及"姹紫"作为成化斗彩所特有的标志彩,更是后世历代仿造者所不能企及的诸彩,这 种盘子的制作工艺非常精细,色彩丰富,图案生动,收藏历史价值极高。The Ming Chenghua Gate Colorful Five Colored Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang Double Cloud Dragon Plate is a very precious Ming Dynasty Chinese porcelain. The characteristics of this plate are delicate texture, lustrous glaze like jade, bright colors, and the center of the plate is painted with dragon and phoenix flying like clouds. The inner wall is painted with sweet white glaze with eight Lingzhi patterns, and the outer wall is painted with double dragons playing with clouds. At the bottom, there is a blue and white book "Da Ming Chenghua Year System" double circle six character regular script. This type of plate uses various techniques and techniques such as filling, dots, covering, and dyeing. The color intensity is carefully matched, and the topic selection is particular. This object is carefully prepared with suitable patterns. There are many styles and structures, which can be neat and natural. The painting patterns are all personally created by palace painters, with vivid and smooth lines and lively brushstrokes. The characteristics of Chenghua Doucai decoration are delicate and soft, with double lines outlining and filling colors, elegant and elegant. The decoration methods are diverse, and the color combination is exquisite. The blue and white hair colors are bright and stable, and the painting is meticulous and vivid, so it can be used freely. When paired with reference to ancient paintings, each can see its essence, and the five colors are eye-catching, with a strong visual effect. Especially when the Chenghua Imperial Kiln Factory wanted to fire this large type of porcelain, the yield was extremely low. It can be seen that the firing process was not easy to achieve great success, showcasing the superb technology of Ming Chenghua porcelain craftsmanship, which is rare and showcases the royal momentum. Among the various colors, "brilliant purple" or "inferior purple" is characterized by a strong red iron color, rough and dry surface, and no light. This is a timeless masterpiece created during the Chenghua period, which is unique to this dynasty. Chenghua's "bright red color" and " As a unique symbol of Chenghua Doucai, "colorful purple" is also a variety of colors that imitators of later generations cannot achieve. The production process of this type of plate is very exquisite, with rich colors and vivid patterns, and it has extremely high historical value for collection.