清雍正 青花釉里红缠枝莲纹如意耳瓶

清雍正 青花釉里红缠枝莲纹如意耳瓶


藏 品:清雍正 青花釉里红缠枝莲纹如意耳瓶

編 號:1133


成交價:GBP: 780,000.00

規 格:H:18.5cm




拍品造型端庄隽秀,柔美舒展,蒜头形口,束颈溜肩,下腹浑圆,至底平收,两侧对称置如意形绶带耳,故称「如意尊」,为雍正时期唐窑新出器样。拍品通体以青花釉里红装饰,口沿青花绘一周回字纹,束颈处饰卷草纹、折枝花卉纹及缠枝纹,上下分别描绘缠枝莲纹样,以青花勾勒枝条婉转缠绕,其上装饰釉里红莲花纹,姿态柔软妩媚,纹样上下呼应,恭致考究,近足以青花变形莲瓣纹承托,耳部随形描绘如意纹。底部青花双圈内书「大清雍正年制」楷书款。此器形如葫芦,蕴含有「福禄」之意,整器有 「福禄万代」、「福寿延绵」等多重吉祥寓意,当为清雍正时期起特有的宫廷陈设瓷。The product has a dignified and graceful appearance, with a soft and graceful appearance. It has a garlic shaped mouth, a neck and shoulders tied, a round lower abdomen, and a flat bottom. It is symmetrically placed with Ruyi shaped ribbon ears on both sides, hence the name "Ruyi Zun". It is a new type of Tang kiln during the Yongzheng period. The entire auction is decorated with blue and white underglaze red, with a circular zigzag pattern along the mouth. The neck is adorned with rolled grass patterns, folded flower patterns, and tangled branch patterns. The upper and lower parts respectively depict tangled branch lotus patterns. The branches are delicately wrapped with blue and white, and the underglaze red lotus pattern is decorated on top, with a soft and charming posture. The pattern echoes up and down, and is exquisite enough to support the deformation of the blue and white lotus petal patterns. The ear follows the shape of the Ruyi pattern. The bottom blue and white double circle inner book features regular script style from the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. This vessel is shaped like a gourd and carries the meaning of "prosperity and prosperity". The entire vessel carries multiple auspicious meanings such as "prosperity and prosperity for generations" and "longevity and prosperity". It should be a unique palace display porcelain from the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty.