清雍正 窑变釉双耳尊

清雍正 窑变釉双耳尊


藏 品:清雍正 窑变釉双耳尊

編 號:1154



規 格:H:27.94cm




窑变釉,顾名思义,是器物在烧成过程中变化出了意想不到的釉色效果。由于窑中含有多种呈色元素,经氧化或还原作用,瓷器在出窑后可能呈现出意外的釉色效果。因由窑变釉出现出于偶然,形态特别,人们又不知其原理,只知于窑内焙烧过程变化而得,故称之为“窑变釉”,俗语有“窑变无双”,就是指窑变釉的变化莫测,独一无二,随着人们对窑变釉认识的深入,窑变釉的缺陷美也逐渐得到人们的喜爱,窑火给釉面造成的缺陷,看久后反而让人回味无穷,甚至有了“娃娃面”、“美人记”之类的美称。窑变釉又因其形态极美,或如灿烂云霞,或如春花秋云,或如大海怒涛,或如万马奔腾,因而被视为艺术瓷釉为人们所欣赏。如宋代河南禹县钧窑生产的铜红窑变,可谓变化莫测,鬼斧神工。到了清代,尤其是清雍正、乾隆时期,窑变釉已被视为一种祥瑞,甚至作为著名色釉而专门生产。Kiln to glaze, as the name suggests, refers to the unexpected glaze color effect that occurs during the firing process of objects. Due to the presence of various coloring elements in the kiln, porcelain may exhibit unexpected glaze effects after oxidation or reduction. Due to the accidental appearance and unique shape of kiln transformed glaze, people do not know its principle and only know how it changes during the roasting process in the kiln. Therefore, it is called "kiln transformed glaze". As the saying goes, "kiln transformed glaze is unparalleled", which refers to the unpredictable and unique changes of kiln transformed glaze. With the deepening of people's understanding of kiln transformed glaze, the defect beauty of kiln transformed glaze has gradually gained people's love. The defects caused by kiln fire on the glaze surface are actually unforgettable after seeing it for a long time, and even have the nickname "doll face" or "beauty record". Kiln transformed glaze is also regarded as an art porcelain glaze and appreciated by people due to its extremely beautiful form, such as brilliant clouds, spring flowers and autumn clouds, raging waves of the sea, or galloping horses. The copper red kiln produced by Jun Kiln in Yu County, Henan Province during the Song Dynasty can be described as unpredictable and miraculous. In the Qing Dynasty, especially during the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods, kiln transformed glaze was regarded as a kind of auspiciousness and even specialized in production as a famous colored glaze.