


藏 品:民国十二年造龙凤壹圆银币

編 號:4013


成交價:GBP: 95,000.00

規 格:D:3.8cm WT:37.2g




民国十二年造龙凤壹圆银币一枚,大字版,天津造币厂铸造,未发行,币面龙凤黼黻图实为北洋政府时期制定的国徽图案,有大字、小字二种版式,大字版较小字版更为稀少,是民国银币中颇受藏家青睐的品种;此枚龙凤大字系钢模初打,铸工极尽精美,龙鳞、凤羽等细节表现淋漓尽致,马齿凌厉整饬,细腻无瑕之版底,包浆唯美淡雅自然天成,其上灰金与青绿彩光晕染交融,品相拔萃超群,殊为难得。In the 12th year of the Republic of China, a one yuan silver coin with a dragon and phoenix design was minted by the Tianjin Mint. The large font version was not issued, and the dragon and phoenix design on the coin surface was actually the national emblem design developed during the Beiyang government period. There were two types of formats: large font and small font. The large font version was even rarer than the small font version, and it was a popular variety among collectors in the Republic of China silver coins; This dragon and phoenix large character is made with steel molds, and the casting is extremely exquisite. The details of the dragon scales, phoenix feathers, and other details are vividly portrayed. The horse teeth are sharp and neat, with a delicate and flawless bottom. The coating is beautiful, elegant, and natural, with a blend of gray gold and green color halo dyeing on it. The quality is outstanding and rare.