


藏 品:道教器具一山鬼花钱(一对)

編 號:4031



規 格:D:46.8mm/46.4mm T:2.8mm/2.6mm WT:33g/31g




中国古代钱币历史悠久,源远流长,是中华民族传统文化中的瑰宝。花钱以其较高的艺术价值,丰富吉祥的内涵,以及和古钱千丝万缕的联系,成为中国古代民俗文物中的一个独特板块。将“八卦理论”铸进钱币,反映了古代对《周易》哲学理论的认知和重视。 山鬼,也称山神,因没有受到玉帝的册封列入正式的神位之列,所以也称山鬼,自古以来,山鬼就以高大,正义的形象出现在人们的心目中。以山鬼纹饰,铭文制作的器物,往往被人们用以辟邪,镇宅,或者做成小配饰挂在腰间,以达到驱鬼辟邪的目的。 钱币呈圆形带孔,正面为“雷霆雷霆,杀鬼降精,斩妖辟邪,永保神清,奉太上老君急急如律令敕,雷令山鬼”的符咒;背面为楷体阳文八卦纹饰和干、兑、离、震、巽、坎、艮、坤八个楷书阳文。 此二枚花钱制作精美,文字清晰隽秀,当之无愧为花钱中的精品。Chinese ancient coins have a long history and a long history, and are treasures in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. Spending money, with its high artistic value, rich auspicious connotations, and intricate connections with ancient coins, has become a unique section of ancient Chinese folk cultural relics. The inclusion of the "Bagua theory" in coins reflects the ancient understanding and emphasis on the philosophical theory of the Book of Changes. Mountain ghosts, also known as mountain gods, are also known as mountain ghosts because they have not been officially enthroned by the Jade Emperor. Since ancient times, mountain ghosts have appeared in people's minds with a tall and just image. Objects made with mountain ghost patterns and inscriptions are often used by people to ward off evil spirits, suppress houses, or made into small accessories to hang around the waist, in order to achieve the purpose of exorcism and warding off evil spirits. The coin is circular with holes, and on the obverse is a talisman that reads "Thunder and thunder, killing ghosts and lowering spirits, slaying demons and warding off evil spirits, forever preserving the purity of the gods, and being urgently ordered by the Supreme Lord like a law, thunder orders mountain ghosts"; The back is decorated with eight hexagrams in regular script in Yangwen, as well as eight regular script Yangwen characters: Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and Kun. These two coins are exquisitely crafted with clear and elegant text, truly deserving of being the finest pieces of money.