


藏 品:“鹌”居乐业

編 號:2030



規 格:WT:34.5g




相传远古时代,新疆昆仑山脉北缘是古代的塔里木古陆南缘的一片浅海。由于地壳运动和褶皱断裂活动,浅海底层抬高成陆地,神奇的矿石一和田玉就此孕育生成。此后,和田玉矿脉中的一块和田玉历经大自然的长期风化,在山体活动时逐步从山上顺沟涧中雪水的冲刷滚动之下滚落到到玉龙喀什河中,受河床内的矿物质元素的沁透形成了皮色,暗行沙地藏光辉。不知过了多少年,直到某一天,挖玉人偶尔挖到这块玉石,只见玉石之上,一只神鸟跃然而现,堪称鬼斧神工之作,是大自然中最高层的艺术体现,整个玉石上呈现着一只黑压红聚皮的“鹌鹑鸟”,写实与夸张兼备,方寸之间糅诗书画印,宛如一幅八大山人的水墨画,充分体现了中国画墨分五色的特点,传达出一种不可遏止的激昂之情。 此玉,体如凝脂,入手温润流畅;毛孔均匀清晰自然,"缜密而栗”;玉质晶莹灵动细腻,精光内蕴,过灯基本无结构。玉石主人依形取意,名曰:鹌(安)居乐业。“鹌”,谐音“安”,寓意“安居乐业”,更具中国传统的现实意义,实乃“世间唯一奇玉、美玉,玉界臻品”。According to legend, in ancient times, the northern edge of the Kunlun Mountains in Xinjiang was a shallow sea on the southern edge of the ancient Tarim continent. Due to the crustal movement and fold fault activity, the shallow seabed layer was raised to become land, and the magic ore Hotan Jade was bred and generated. Since then, a piece of Hotan Jade in the vein of Hotan Jade has gone through the long-term weathering of nature, and gradually rolled down from the mountain to the Yulong Kashi River under the erosion of snow water in the gullies when the mountain is moving. The skin color is formed by the penetration of mineral elements in the river bed, and the sand land is hidden with brilliance. How many years have passed, until one day, the jade digger occasionally stumbled upon this piece of jade and saw a divine bird leaping out of it. It can be called a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship and is the highest level of artistic expression in nature. The entire jade presents a "quail bird" with black pressed red skin, combining realism and exaggeration, blending poetry, calligraphy, and painting in every inch, like a painting of the Eight Great Mountain People, fully reflecting the characteristics of Chinese ink painting with five colors, conveying an unstoppable passion. This jade has a body like condensed fat, and is warm and smooth when touched; The pores are uniform, clear, and natural, with a "meticulous and chestnut" texture. The jade is crystal clear, dynamic, and delicate, with a essence of light that is basically unstructured when illuminated. The owner of the jade takes its meaning according to its shape and is named "quail (An) living and working happily". "quail", homophonic for "An", symbolizes "living and working happily", and has a more practical significance in Chinese tradition. In fact, it is "the only unique and beautiful jade in the world, a masterpiece in the jade world".