


藏 品:青玉立龙大印章

編 號:2037



規 格:H:18.5cm WT:4056g




此件青玉立龙大印章是和田碧玉刘彻玺,高:18.5cm,重:4056克。该玺为汉武帝碧玉原玺,它采用了上等的青玉材质,青玉是一种珍贵的玉石,因其色泽青翠、质地坚韧而备受珍视。这件印章的制作工艺精湛,展现了中国古代玉器加工的高超技艺。印章的形状为一蹲立的龙形象,龙在中国文化中是吉祥的象征,代表着皇权和力量。这条龙雕刻得栩栩如生,细节之处体现了龙的威严和动态,如龙鳞、龙须、龙角等都被细致地刻画出来。龙的身体弯曲,呈现出一种蓄势待发的姿态,显得极具力量感。印章的整体设计大气磅礴,尺寸较大,显示出其重要的象征意义和实用价值。在古代,这样的印章多用于官方档和重要文献的签署,代表着权力和认证。同时,它也作为一种展示皇家权威和艺术家水平的礼器。青玉立龙大印章不仅是一件艺术品,也是研究中国古代宫廷文化、玉器工艺和审美观念的重要实物资料。它体现了中国古代社会的尊贵地位和对美好事物的追求,是中华文明宝库中的瑰宝。This jade standing dragon seal is made of Hetian Biyu Liu Chexi, with a height of 18.5cm and a weight of 4056g. This seal is the original jade seal of Emperor Wu of Han, which is made of high-quality blue jade material. Blue jade is a precious jade stone that is highly valued for its green color and tough texture. The production process of this seal is exquisite, showcasing the superb skills of ancient Chinese jade processing. The shape of the seal is a squatting dragon, which is a symbol of auspiciousness in Chinese culture, representing imperial power and power. This dragon is carved to life, and the details reflect the majesty and dynamics of the dragon, such as its scales, whiskers, and horns. The body of the dragon is curved, presenting a posture of readiness and a strong sense of power. The overall design of the seal is grand and large-sized, demonstrating its important symbolic significance and practical value. In ancient times, such seals were often used for signing official documents and important documents, representing power and authentication. At the same time, it also serves as a ceremonial tool to showcase the authority of the royal family and the level of artists. The blue jade standing dragon seal is not only a work of art, but also an important physical material for studying ancient Chinese palace culture, jade craftsmanship, and aesthetic concepts. It embodies the noble status and pursuit of beautiful things in ancient Chinese society, and is a treasure in the treasure trove of Chinese civilization.