


藏 品:红山文化太阳神

編 號:2050



規 格:WT:33.8g H:51.5mm




红山文化是中华文明的重要源头之一,是中国北方新石器时期最具代表性的古文化遗存,距今五六千年左右。红山文化以辽河流域中辽河支流西拉沐沦河、老哈河、大凌河流域为中心,分布面积达20万平方公里,社会形态处于母系氏族社会的全盛时期,主要社会结构是以女性血缘群体为纽带的部落集团。红山文化是中原仰韶文化和北方草原文化在西辽河流域相互碰撞而产生的富有生机和创造力的优秀文化。“盛世兴收藏,民间爱收藏的越来越多”,常有藏友隔三差五到孟宪清家鉴赏藏品,交流收藏体会,或是请教收藏知识。凡有人来,孟宪清总会“秀”出几件珍品“以飨藏友”,而“太阳神”每次都要出来露脸。The Hongshan culture is one of the important origins of Chinese civilization, and is the most representative ancient cultural relic of the Neolithic period in northern China, dating back about five to six thousand years. The Hongshan Culture is centered around the Xilamulan River, Laoha River, and Daling River basins, which are tributaries of the Liao River in the Liao River Basin. It covers an area of 200000 square kilometers and is in the heyday of matrilineal clan society. The main social structure is tribal groups linked by female blood groups. The Hongshan culture is a vibrant and creative excellent culture that emerged from the collision of the Yangshao culture in the Central Plains and the northern grassland culture in the Western Liao River Basin. In a prosperous era, collections are flourishing, and more and more people love to collect them. Collectors often come to Meng Xianqing's house every three to five days to appreciate their collections, exchange their collection experiences, or seek advice on collection knowledge. Whenever someone comes, Meng Xianqing will always show off a few treasures to entertain his collectors, and the "Sun God" will always show his face.