清乾隆 《丁观鹏仙山云阁图诗意卷》

清乾隆 《丁观鹏仙山云阁图诗意卷》


藏 品:清乾隆 《丁观鹏仙山云阁图诗意卷》

編 號:3019



規 格:L:1200cm W:60cm




此卷为清宫廷画家丁观鹏所绘圆明园12景云阁图,乾隆皇帝御题诗卷,工笔设色,绘制纵60厘米,横1200厘米。丁观鹏仙山云阁图诗意卷,用笔老道高古,画格清远雅宜。丁观鹏,活跃于公元18世纪,顺天(今北京)人,雍正四年进入宫廷成为供奉画家,擅长画人物、道释、山水,亦能作肖像,画风工整细致,受到欧洲绘画的影响,其弟丁观鹤同时供奉内廷。This volume is a painting by Qing court painter Ding Guanpeng, depicting the 12 views of the Cloud Pavilion in the Yuanmingyuan. It was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong with meticulous brushwork and color scheme, depicting 60 centimeters vertically and 1200 centimeters horizontally. Ding Guanpeng's painting of the Cloud Pavilion on the Immortal Mountain is a poetic scroll, with an old and elegant style and a clear and elegant style. Ding Guanpeng, active in the 18th century AD, was born in Shuntian (now Beijing). In the fourth year of Yongzheng's reign, he entered the palace and became a sacrificial painter. He was skilled in painting figures, Taoism, and landscapes, as well as portraits. His painting style was neat and meticulous, and he was influenced by European painting. His younger brother Ding Guanhe also worshipped the inner court.