


藏 品:范曾《忠义千秋关羽》

編 號:3022



規 格:L:136cm W:69cm




范曾(1938.7.5-),字十翼,别署抱冲斋主,中国当代大儒、思想家、国学大师、书画巨匠、文学家、政治和外交家、诗人。是享誉海内外兼通诗书画、文史哲、儒释道易又博贯中西的学界泰斗,画册、文论皆著作等身,共出版200余部,国家图书馆珍藏其中157部。杨振宁先生评价:范曾的艺术造诣已经达到了千年事的境界。关羽,是中国东汉末年著名将领,自刘备于乡里聚众起兵开始追随刘备,是刘备最为信任的将领之一,在关羽去世后,其形象逐渐被后人神化,一直是历来民间祭祀的对象,被尊称为“关公”;又经历代朝廷褒封,清代时被奉为“忠义神武灵佑仁勇威显关圣大帝”,崇为“武圣”,与“文圣” 孔子齐名。长篇历史小说《三国演义》也对关羽的事迹多有描写和夸大,在《演义》中关羽被描写为“五虎大将”之首。另外,古代有地名关羽,但其确切位置不明。Fan Zeng (1938.7.5-), also known as Shiyi, was a contemporary Chinese scholar, thinker, master of traditional Chinese culture, master of calligraphy and painting, literary figure, political and diplomatic figure, and poet. He is a renowned academic figure both at home and abroad, proficient in poetry, calligraphy, painting, literature, history, philosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and the West. He has written more than 200 books on art and literary theory, and 157 of them are collected by the National Library. Mr. Yang Zhenning commented that Fan Zeng's artistic achievements have reached the level of a millennium. Guan Yu was a famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China. He followed Liu Bei's uprising in his hometown and was one of his most trusted generals. After Guan Yu's death, his image gradually became deified by later generations, and he has always been the object of folk worship, revered as "Guan Gong"; After experiencing praise and titles from various dynasties, he was revered as the "Great Emperor of Loyalty, Righteousness, Divine Martial Spirit, Benevolence, Courage, and Mighty Appearance" during the Qing Dynasty, and was revered as the "Martial Saint", on par with the "Literary Saint" Confucius. The long historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" also extensively describes and exaggerates the deeds of Guan Yu. In "Romance", Guan Yu is portrayed as the leader of the "Five Tiger Generals". In addition, there was a place name called Guan Yu in ancient times, but its exact location is unknown.