


藏 品:徐悲鸿《八骏图》

編 號:3027



規 格:L:175cm W:70cm




徐悲鸿(1895-1953) 现代画家、美术教育家,江苏宜兴人。《八骏图》是徐悲鸿享誉画坛的代表作,创作于民国37年,即1948年,抗日战争刚刚结束,作品以周穆王的八匹骏马做为题材,画的是周穆王游昆仑山时为之驾车的八匹良马。画上那昂首奋蹄的骏马,映照着中华民族不屈的精神,同时也是徐悲鸿不可多得的一幅代表作。“骏马奔腾似潮涌,一日千里独行空。驰骋疆场唯我狂,遨游神州立战功”奔腾的骏马,显现的是气度,释放的力量,超越的是灵魂。八骏图体现的是飞扬的志气,中华的灵魂。Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was a modern painter and art educator, born in Yixing, Jiangsu. "The Painting of Eight Steeds" is a representative work of Xu Beihong, which is renowned in the art world. It was created in 1948, the 37th year of the Republic of China, just after the end of the Anti Japanese War. The work is based on the eight fine horses of King Mu of Zhou, and depicts the eight fine horses he drove for during his tour of Kunlun Mountains. The painting of the steed with its head raised and hooves racing reflects the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation, and is also a rare representative work of Xu Beihong. A galloping horse gallops like a tide, soaring alone for thousands of miles in a day. It gallops on the battlefield with its own madness, soaring through the divine realm and making military achievements. The galloping horse displays its grandeur, unleashes its power, and transcends its soul. The Eight Steeds painting embodies the soaring spirit and the soul of China.