铜胎掐丝珐琅镶嵌宝石 和田白玉千手观音摆件

铜胎掐丝珐琅镶嵌宝石 和田白玉千手观音摆件


藏 品:铜胎掐丝珐琅镶嵌宝石 和田白玉千手观音摆件

編 號:5010



規 格:H:73cm W:36cm




此千手观音摆件是将传统的掐丝珐琅工艺与和田玉饰品相融合的一件精美作品。观音玉质纯净、细腻光润,神态自然、安详,体态优美匀称、线条流畅舒展,衬托出大士超然世外而又心怀慈悲的气质。整个座体上下镶嵌各类宝石并全部使用掐丝珐琅手法装饰,莲台铜丝宛若绘画线条,座身前方崭刻“大清乾隆年制”款。掐丝珐琅和玉石雕刻这两种古老的手工艺,经过千年流转,此件拍品雕工之精湛,尽显帝皇奢华之气质。This thousand hand Avalokitesvara pendant is an exquisite work combining the traditional filigree enamel technology with Hotan Jade jewelry. Guanyin jade is pure, delicate, and smooth, with a natural and peaceful expression. Its body is beautiful and symmetrical, and its lines are smooth and stretching, highlighting the extraordinary and compassionate temperament of the great master. The entire seat is inlaid with various gemstones and decorated with wire cutting enamel techniques. The lotus shaped copper wire resembles painted lines, and the front of the seat is engraved with a "Qing Qianlong Year Made" design. The ancient handicrafts of wire cutting enamel and jade carving, which have been passed down for thousands of years, showcase the exquisite craftsmanship of this piece and showcase the luxurious temperament of the emperor.