清道光 申锡制玉山刻段泥汉瓦壶

清道光 申锡制玉山刻段泥汉瓦壶


藏 品:清道光 申锡制玉山刻段泥汉瓦壶

編 號:5039


成交價:GBP: 150,000.00

規 格:7.4×15cm




款识:“申锡”(把款),“茶熟香温”(底款)。镌刻:“乙巳仲秋,录伯敦文,玉山。伯作宝簋。”玉山,或为孙敕,清嘉道时期山东平度人,善书,工篆刻,时称“玉山先生”。胶东半岛偶有书法传世,从作品可见水平颇高。申锡,清道光时宜兴制壶高手,字子贻,生卒不详。笃志壶艺,精于雕刻,善用白泥。曾与杨彭年、朱石梅等合作制壶。Style: "Shen Xi" (top style), "Tea is ripe, fragrant and warm" (bottom style). Engraved: "In the mid autumn of the Yisi period, recorded the Bodun script, Yushan. Bodun made a precious Gui." Yushan, also known as the Sun's edict, was from Pingdu, Shandong during the Jiadao period of the Qing Dynasty. He was skilled in calligraphy and seal carving, and was then known as "Mr. Yushan.". Occasionally, calligraphy has been passed down in the Jiaodong Peninsula, and it can be seen from the works that the level is quite high. Shen Xi, a master of pot making in Yixing during the Qing Dynasty's Daoguang era, with the courtesy name Ziyi, and his birth and death are unknown. Duzhi is skilled in pot art, skilled in carving, and adept at using white clay. I have collaborated with Yang Pengnian, Zhu Shimei, and others to make pots.