南宋 龙泉窑青釉银口八方竹节瓶

南宋 龙泉窑青釉银口八方竹节瓶


藏 品:南宋 龙泉窑青釉银口八方竹节瓶

編 號:1132



規 格:H:23.5cm,C:7cm,W:13cm




该器物竹节长颈,微撇口,鼓腹弦纹,圈足露胎,垫饼支烧。器形端庄优美,稳重大气。内外壁施青釉,釉质纯净素雅,釉面极具灵动变化,犹如寒潭清水一般清澈宁静。整器胎质坚硬,修足精细,圈足露胎处火石红自然老道,深入胎骨,釉面自然老化痕迹明显,包浆浓厚,手感如脂似玉,如此完美器物足称南宋时期龙泉窑上上珍品。The object has bamboo nodes with a long neck, a slightly curved mouth, bulging belly with string patterns, exposed legs, and a cushion for baking. The shape is dignified and graceful, steady and atmospheric. The inner and outer walls are coated with green glaze, which is pure and elegant. The glaze surface is highly dynamic and varied, like clear and peaceful water in a cold pond. The whole body is made of hard material, with fine foot repair. The exposed areas of the round feet are naturally weathered with red flint, which penetrates deep into the bones of the body. The glaze surface shows obvious signs of natural aging, and the patina is thick. The hand feel is like grease or jade. Such a perfect object is worthy of being called a precious treasure of Longquan Kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty.