


藏 品:御制胭脂紫地轧道粉彩开窗山水花卉纹双耳瓶

編 號:1140



規 格:H:28cm、C:13cm




本品胭脂色越浓,色泽沈郁,金含量必然颇高,设色妍丽繁缛,有别于传统技法,更需要画工高超的绘画功底与丰富的经验,器身娇艳动人,画面极具凹凸感、立体感,极具时代特征,通体素洁雅致,釉面温润如玉,釉色均匀纯净,线条流畅,胎体轻薄,俊秀怡人,色若绛霞,造型色彩虽简朴,烧造制作上却极具挑战性,制胎、施釉及窑烧均须绝对精准,其造型端庄,线条优美,予人无限清秀昳丽之感,粉彩有鲜而雅、粉而柔的特点,色彩层次丰富多变,搭配墨地绿彩枝蔓,更具别样装饰效果,形神具佳,气韵清雅脱俗,粉色花卉绽放,独具审美情趣,色调庄严肃穆,风格独特而又婉约,气息雍容,姿态华贵,尽显隽秀典雅。The thicker the rouge color of this product, the darker the color, and the higher the gold content, the more beautiful and complicated the color setting. Different from traditional techniques, it requires a skilled artist's painting skills and rich experience. The body of the object is delicate and moving, and the picture has a strong sense of concavity and convexity, three dimensionality, and the characteristics of the times. The whole body is pure and elegant, the glaze is warm and jade like, the glaze color is uniform and pure, the lines are smooth, the body is light and thin, handsome and pleasant, and the color is like a rosy glow. Although the shape and color are simple, the firing and production are extremely challenging. The tire making, glaze application, and kiln firing must be absolutely precise. Its shape is dignified, the lines are beautiful, and it gives people an infinite sense of elegance and beauty. The powder color is fresh and beautiful. The characteristics of elegance, pink and softness, rich and varied color levels, matched with dark green branches and vines, have a unique decorative effect, with excellent form and spirit, elegant and refined temperament, pink flowers bloom, and unique aesthetic taste, The color tone is solemn and dignified, the style is unique and graceful, the atmosphere is elegant, the posture is luxurious, and it fully demonstrates elegance and refinement.