


藏 品:粉彩竹林七贤图罐

編 號:1142



規 格:H:31cm、C:10.2cm




本品整体造型更加富有层次,色彩鲜丽纹饰极尽繁缛,粉彩色调秾艳丰富,着色技巧学自西洋画法,令人赏心悦目,形神具佳,作画用笔苍劲挺拔,着色淡雅绝俗,绘风大胆别具一格,构图灵活,画面疏密有致,层次分步娴熟,深得“文人画”艺术精髓,气韵清雅脱俗,色彩淡雅逸丽,运笔自然流畅,层次清晰,阴阳向背,栩栩如生,风景描绘秀丽,静中有动,动静结合,相互映衬,绘画风格、施彩、构图技法皆源于西洋艺,诸彩交映出淡雅柔和、臻于至美的内廷恭造风格,纯以繁密、清晰的线条取胜,更见画笔之清丽,对烧造的气氛和窑温的要求都十分敏感,配方和烧造条件的任何细小变化都会导致色调不正,呈色纯正、画工精细、造型优美,十分珍贵。The overall design of this product is more layered, with bright colors and intricate patterns. The pink color scheme is rich and vibrant, and the coloring technique is learned from Western painting methods, which is pleasing to the eye. The form and spirit are excellent, and the painting strokes are vigorous and upright. The coloring is elegant and unconventional, and the painting style is bold and unique. The composition is flexible, the picture is dense and orderly, and the layers are skillful, deeply embodying the artistic essence of "literati painting". The charm is elegant and refined, the colors are elegant and elegant, the strokes are natural and smooth, the layers are clear, the yin and yang are facing back, vivid, and the scenery is depicted beautifully. There is movement in stillness, and the combination of movement and stillness complements each other. The painting style, coloring, and composition techniques are all derived from Western art, and the colors reflect elegance, softness, and perfection. The style of Gongzao in the inner court is won purely by dense and clear lines, which highlights the beauty of the paintbrush. It is very sensitive to the atmosphere and kiln temperature requirements of the firing process, Any small changes in formula and firing conditions can lead to incorrect color tones, pure colors, exquisite painting skills, and beautiful shapes, which are very precious.