


藏 品:黄地青花釉里红缠枝花卉纹双耳尊

編 號:1145



規 格:H:46.4cm、C:17.6cm




本品敷设黄彩,极见精准细致,色泽匀净明亮,构图疏朗自然,益生清新之气息,注重对传统构成因素的创新,借鉴原来的工艺造型和纹饰进行抽绎组合,寄予新意,绘画工匠运用小笔触,色彩丰富细腻,立体像生,采用当时业已成熟的青花釉里红工艺,整体纹饰层次分明疏朗有致,十分醒目,施釉均匀,纹饰生动活灵活现,整器体型硕大,形制端庄,胎釉均佳,青花釉里红发色自然,纹饰绘就精细,实为佳品,殊宜宝之,釉里红对烧造的气氛和窑温的要求都十分敏感,配方和烧造条件的任何细小变化都会导致色调不正,呈色纯正、画工精细、造型优美,十分珍贵,无论从烧制工艺还是其自身价值上来讲,都可谓收藏之品。This product is coated with yellow color, which is extremely precise and delicate, with a clear and bright color, a sparse and natural composition, and a fresh and pleasant atmosphere. It pays attention to innovation in traditional composition factors, draws on the original craftsmanship and patterns to create new ideas. The painter uses small brushstrokes to create rich and delicate colors, three-dimensional images, and adopts the mature blue and white underglaze red technology at that time. The overall decorative layers are clear, sparse and elegant, very eye-catching, the glaze is evenly applied, the decorative patterns are vivid and lively, the whole body is large, the shape is dignified, the base glaze is good, the red color in the blue and white glaze is natural, and the decorative painting is fine, which is a good product. It is particularly suitable for treasure, as the red color in the glaze has a significant impact on the atmosphere of firing and the kiln temperature. The requirements are very sensitive, and any small changes in the formula and firing conditions can lead to incorrect color tones, pure colors, fine painting skills, and beautiful shapes, Very precious, both in terms of firing techniques and its own value, it can be considered a collectible item.