龙泉窑梅子青釉浮雕云龙花卉纹折沿 盘

龙泉窑梅子青釉浮雕云龙花卉纹折沿 盘


藏 品:龙泉窑梅子青釉浮雕云龙花卉纹折沿 盘

編 號:1166



規 格:H:6cm、D:23cm




本品釉色青丽,亮泽如玉,唯以其造型之秀美,釉色之纯净取胜,显示出迷人的艺术魅力,碧如翡翠,青绿可人 ,淡雅匀净,质感甚佳,滋润可人,观之悦目,如此精湛工艺之大器堪称龙泉窑顶级杰作,质精雅致,尤以胎质、造形、做工为尚,釉色深沉 素雅,釉面凝腻具温润光泽,因烧造之器物釉色纯正,质量极高,更是达到了青瓷釉色绝美之境界,龙泉青瓷因而成为宫廷御用之器,体型敦 硕挺拔,稳重英朗,器身整体施青釉,盘口处呈浅青色,青釉色泽莹亮,润泽无瑕,底部亦施青釉,足沿呈赭色,其外沿展出长度恰到好处, 上釉以达成玉质之感。 This product has a green and beautiful glaze color, shining like jade. It is distinguished by its beautiful shape and pure glaze color, displaying a charming artistic charm. It is as blue as jade, green and charming, elegant and even, with a very good texture, moisturizing and pleasing to the eye. Such a masterpiece of exquisite craftsmanship can be called the top level masterpiece of Longquan Kiln, with refined and elegant quality, especially in terms of body material, shape and workmanship. The glaze color is deep and elegant, and the glaze surface is sticky and has a warm luster. Due to the pure glaze color and high quality of the fired objects, it has reached the realm of exquisite celadon glaze color. Longquan celadon has become a palace utensil, with a sturdy and upright body, stable and elegant, and the overall body is polished. Green glaze, with a light blue color at the rim, and a shiny, moist and flawless color. The bottom is also coated with green glaze, and the foot edges are reddish brown. The outer edge is of just the right length, and the glaze is applied to achieve a jade like texture.