


藏 品:定窑白釉浮雕描金花卉纹双耳葫芦瓶

編 號:1178



規 格:H:29.6cm、C:2cm




本品器面莹亮柔润,色呈牙白悦目脱俗,聚处若泪痕而色略深,久历千年风霜,朴淳如昔,线条利落,流畅如画,使其无论是艺术性或是稀缺性,都是无与伦比的,器形线条简练优美,充分体现了宋人崇简尚雅的审美情趣,气韵秀润,实为定窑瓷匠臻技绝艺之典范代表,胎体轻薄,胎料细腻白晳,故坯胎上无需施罩化妆土,亦能烧成净白瓷胎,成为中国工艺美术发展史上高格调美、高境界美的象征,线条委婉而舒畅,优雅之神韵跃然其上,如纸上作画,笔墨韵味全然其间,同时倍显胎体之素净清丽,其意象与崇儒家、尚修身之宋朝文化不谋而合,深受时人所爱。The surface of this product is shiny and soft, with a tooth white color that is pleasing to the eye and unique. The gathering point is like tears, but the color is slightly darker. After thousands of years of wind and frost, the simplicity and purity remain the same as before, with clean and smooth lines that are unparalleled in both artistic and scarce aspects. The concise and beautiful shape and lines fully reflect the aesthetic taste of the Song people's reverence for simplicity and elegance, with a graceful and elegant aura. It is truly a representative of the exquisite craftsmanship of Ding kiln porcelain craftsmen. The body is light and thin, and the material is delicate and white. Therefore, there is no need to apply makeup clay on the blank body, and it can also be fired into a pure white porcelain body, becoming a symbol of high style beauty and high realm beauty in the development history of Chinese arts and crafts. The lines Gentle and comfortable, the elegant charm is vividly displayed on it, like painting on paper, with the charm of ink and brush completely intertwined, while also highlighting the simplicity and beauty of the body. Its imagery coincides with the Song Dynasty culture that values Confucianism and self-cultivation, Deeply loved by people of the time.