


藏 品:绿釉暗刻云龙纹天字盖罐

編 號:1181



規 格:H:12.3cm、W:12cm




本品绿釉色泽典雅,釉表泛浅光泽,造型优美端丽,纤巧玲珑,器型之美,却具有独特的审美情趣与艺术风格,宛若佳人玉立,虽是素服淡妆,却别有风韵,时有简约淡雅而韵味无穷之感,配合瓷器本身的完美造型,给人以静美俊逸之感,釉色晶莹光润,清雅悦目,釉色深浅有致,法翠莹灿,光彩焕然,发色深沉典雅,釉光润泽,宝光内蕴,细致紧密的胎质、纯正清亮的釉色、含蓄典雅的造型,胎质细腻,如潭深之处,浓淡相宜,明净洁雅,温润如玉,甚为美妙,釉面莹润亮丽,流传有序,更为难得,器形浑圆,线条流畅, 神态自然,釉色如玉且器形及纹饰皆不拘定式,是一件颇具收藏价值的艺术精品。This product has an elegant green glaze color, with a light luster on the glaze surface and a beautiful and elegant shape. It is delicate and exquisite, with a beautiful shape, but it has a unique aesthetic taste and artistic style, like a beautiful woman standing tall. Although it is plain clothing and light makeup, it has its own charm, sometimes simple and elegant, and infinite charm. Combined with the perfect shape of the porcelain itself, it gives people a sense of tranquility, beauty and elegance. The glaze color is crystal clear and smooth, elegant and pleasing to the eye. The glaze color is deep and deep, the color is bright and shiny, the radiance is brilliant, the hair color is deep and elegant, the glaze light is moist, the treasure light is inherent, the delicate and tight texture, the pure and clear glaze color, the implicit and elegant shape, the texture is delicate, like a deep pool. It is suitable for both strong and light colors, clear and elegant, warm and moist like jade, very beautiful. The glaze is shiny and bright, and it spreads in an orderly manner, which is even more rare. The shape of the vessel is round, the lines are smooth, and the expression is natural, The glaze color is like jade and the shape and decoration of the vessel are not fixed, making it a highly collectible art masterpiece.