


藏 品:磁州窑白地黑褐婴戏花卉纹玉壶春瓶

編 號:1189



規 格:H:57cm、W:28cm




本品白地剔黑彩制法独特,素胎先敷化妆土,再以黑彩勾勒纹饰,剔去黑彩,展现底胎色,再施透明釉烧成,磁州窑剔花线条奔放,配以黑白色调,仿如书画逸品,故备受文人墨客青睐,描绘出繁花似锦的华美画面,意境超脱,潇洒大气,尽显磁州窑洒脱华美之风韵,充分体现了它强大的生命力,而磁州窑以崇尚自然,率真朴实,豪放粗犷,潇洒典雅的艺术风格独树一帜,创造了中国古代瓷艺的最高成就,偶尔采用的放射状线条,既能有效地烘托出主体纹样,加强了纹饰的纵深空间感,又强化了纹样的节奏秩序美感,由于在工艺,品种和在陶瓷上的精湛画工,使得它在众多的磁州窑系中脱颖而出,更被世人认为“扒村”窑”是磁州窑系例中一颗灿烂的明珠。This product is made using a unique method of white ground and black color. The raw material is first coated with makeup soil, and then the decorative patterns are outlined with black color. The black color is removed to show the color of the base material, and then transparent glaze is applied and fired. The flower lines of Cizhou Kiln are bold and unrestrained, matched with black and white tones, resembling a masterpiece of calligraphy and painting. Therefore, it is highly favored by literati and ink artists, depicting a magnificent picture of blooming flowers. The artistic conception is transcendent, elegant and graceful, fully reflecting the strong vitality of Cizhou Kiln. Cizhou Kiln stands out with its artistic style that advocates nature, is sincere, simple, bold, rough, and elegant, creating the highest achievement of ancient Chinese porcelain art. The occasional use of radial lines not only It can effectively highlight the main pattern, enhance the sense of depth and space of the decoration, and strengthen the aesthetic sense of rhythm and order of the pattern. Due to the exquisite craftsmanship, variety, and ceramic painting skills, Making it stand out among numerous Cizhou kiln series, it is also regarded by the world as a brilliant pearl in the Cizhou kiln series, known as the "Bacun" kiln.