


藏 品:潘天壽《雙鷹棲石圖》設紙本

編 號:3036



規 格:170.5×95cm




題識:雷婆頭峰壽者指墨。 鈐印:潘天壽(白文)、大頤壽者(朱文) 本品於豎向畫紙上構圖,圖中取松石作襯景,雙鷹前後交錯立於山石上,一只欲展翅而起,一只收斂羽臂,一同望向左上方;下方山岩俊秀,澗水飛流,苔草以大小濃淡不同的圓點點綴岩石上,松葉疏朗有致,底部的山花挺拔,呈現出一片蓬勃靈動的生機;作品整體畫面佈局奇特,筆墨老辣凝練,用極其簡易的顏色,造就一派天然;鷹的羽毛採用大片潑墨來表現,鷹眼處理尤為傳神,凝神靜立而目光炯炯,筆墨寫意又極見細膩,栩栩如生;落款“雷婆頭峰壽者指墨”幾個字,氣勢逶迤浩蕩,遒勁有力;潘天壽的筆墨語言來自於傳統文人畫的深厚積澱,他高尚的道德情操和精神氣質,使其創造的藝術形象耐人尋味,百看不厭,給人以至高的精神享受。 This product is composed on vertical drawing paper. In the picture, pine stone is used as the backdrop. Two eagles stand on the mountain rock, one is about to spread wings and one is converching feathered arm. The rock below is beautiful, the stream water is flying, the moss is dotted with dots of different sizes and shades on the rock, the pine leaves are sparse, and the mountain flowers at the bottom are tall and straight, showing a vigorous vitality; The overall picture layout of the work is strange, the ink is old and concise, and the color is extremely simple, creating a natural; Eagle feathers using large ink to show, eagle eye treatment is particularly vivid, calm and eyes, pen and ink freehand and extremely delicate, lifelike; Signed "Lei Po head peak life refers to ink" a few words, the momentum of the rugged, powerful and powerful; Pan Tianshou's pen and ink language comes from the profound accumulation of traditional literati painting. His noble moral sentiment and spiritual temperament make the artistic images he creates interesting, never get bored with, and give people even high spiritual enjoyment.