


藏 品:《清》陈鸣远吉祥大象壶

編 號:5031



規 格:H:12cm




陈鸣遠,清康熙人,一代巨匠,后世壶界,尊他为“清代第一家",其仿真象生器,浑若天成,声誉卓著,海内外推崇。传世品有文玩,博古,壶杯,象生四大类。这把吉祥大象壶,正是陳鸣遠罕有的传世之作,材质段青砂,由段泥,天青泥配置而成,显见颗粒,星星夺目,壶身以大象而现,壶盖钮,显示栩栩如生,壶足以示四足,维妙唯俏,壶嘴以象鼻所示,壶把以示象尾,整体就一只活灵活现的大象,壶身上还镌刻了古诗,明月松间照,清泉石上流。赏壶,品茗是一种绝妙的佳境,气韵十足,可谓珍惜之物,为世所珍。Chen Mingyuan, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, a generation of giants, pot-world later respect him as “The first in the Qing Dynasty, "its simulation as raw, muddy if Tiancheng, outstanding reputation, respected at home and abroad. There are four kinds of handed down products, such as Wen Xiao, Bo Gu, Jug Cup, Xiang Sheng. This auspicious elephant pot is a rare masterpiece of Chen Mingyuan. The material is duan green sand, which is made of duan mud and tianqing mud. The stars are glaring, and the pot is shown as an elephant, and the lid of the pot shows that it is alive, and the kettle is sufficient to show the four feet, beautiful and beautiful, the mouth of the kettle indicates the elephant's nose, the handle of the ketch indicates the tail, and the whole is a living elephant. Ancient poems are engraved on the pot, and the moon shines in the pine, and the spring flows over the stone. Enjoying the pot, drinking tea is a wonderful place, full of charm, can be described as a treasure, for the world.