


藏 品:竹节紫砂壶

編 號:5073



規 格:H:11cm、W:18cm




本品壶身线条过渡自然流畅,周身光泽温润,非影像器材能诠释,非亲眼目睹不能领略其妙,方意中存清高之骨气,内敛中生正直之爽气,凛然中得清纯之净气,轮廓线条,既清新出尘,壶身气度更是饱满蕴蓄,神采奕奕,将紫砂壶艺中所需蕴含的形、神、态都具体表现出来,树立了个人风格,包浆润泽,泥料的色泽对装饰效果的完善亦起到了关键作用,赭红色泽温和中正,形制朴素敦厚,态体光润优美,线条流畅而规则,气格古朴,稳重沉着,壶身线条更加圆润,块面饱满,纹路清晰,雕塑技艺高超,气韵高雅,用线条作为壶体的装饰,表达出秀逸、刚柔相济、丰满厚实的气韵。The transition of the body lines of this product is natural and smooth, and the overall luster is warm and moist. It cannot be interpreted by imaging equipment, nor can it be appreciated without seeing it with one's own eyes. The essence of the product contains a high and upright spirit, a cool and upright spirit in restraint, and a pure and upright spirit in awe. The contour lines are fresh and elegant, and the body is full and full of vitality, shining brightly. It embodies the form, spirit, and state required in the art of purple clay teapot, establishing a personal style. The patina is moist, and the color of the clay material plays a key role in improving the decorative effect. The reddish brown color is warm and moderate, the form is simple and thick, the state and body are smooth and beautiful, and the lines are smooth and regular. The qi grid is quaint, steady and composed, the lines of the pot body are more rounded, the blocks are full, the patterns are clear, the sculpture skills are superb, and the temperament is elegant. Using lines as decoration for the pot body expresses elegance and refinement A harmonious blend of hardness and softness, with a rich and robust aura.