任熊 福禄寿禧人物图

任熊 福禄寿禧人物图


藏 品:任熊 福禄寿禧人物图

編 號:LOT038



規 格:H:176cm W:95cm




任渭长是一个全能画家,擅人物、山水、花鸟、走兽、仙佛等。工笔花鸟与人物,影响了任伯年等;写意花鸟则影响了赵之谦而开海上画派法门。善构图,百幅《姚大梅诗意册》可见其创稿能力之强。是近百年不可忽视的画家。此写三星图,人物聚而不散,造成视觉冲击。更以色彩浓淡与色相及人物错落来分出距离、层次感,整体而不失变化,质重而能灵动,在在可见其匠心。造型及线描得陈老莲遗则,劲利的用笔有力透纸背之感。题材通俗,但画格不俗,是他传世人物画中的精品。Ren Weichang is an all-around painter, good at characters, mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, animals, fairyland and so on. The meticulous flowers and characters have influenced Ren boyian, etc.; the freehand flowers and birds have influenced Zhao Zhiqian and opened the school of painting at sea. Good composition, 100 "Yao damie poetry book" shows its strong ability to create a manuscript. It is a painter that can not be ignored in the past century. This is a three-star picture, the characters gather and do not disperse, causing visual impact. More to color and color and characters to distinguish distance, hierarchy, the whole without loss of change, quality and flexibility, in the visible ingenuity. The shape and line description of Chen Laolian heritage, the strong use of pen strong through the back of the paper feeling. The subject matter is popular, but the painting is not vulgar, it is the fine works in his legendary characters.
