清乾隆 洋彩群仙贺寿如意云口尊

清乾隆 洋彩群仙贺寿如意云口尊


藏 品:清乾隆 洋彩群仙贺寿如意云口尊

編 號:1001



規 格:D:20cm,H:38.5cm




此瓶撇口束颈,丰肩鼓腹,下敛至足,足部外撇。器身主体以洋彩绘群仙祝寿通景纹样,南极仙翁手持如意,乘鹤翩翩而来;福禄寿三星齐聚一堂,八仙各持法器,笑意盈盈,神采奕奕;寒山、拾得和合二仙一持荷花,一持宝盒,寓意家庭和美、社会和谐。众人皆向乘鹤而来的寿老方向。器型别致处,乃于口沿装饰相连的八个翻口如意云头,于黄地上彩绘花卉纹;颈部及足皆以松石绿为地,绘花卉纹样,上下呼应,如卷轴之画绫,使主体纹样更为凸显;颈部间饰蝙蝠衔磬及「卍」字,寓意吉庆有余。足内亦施松石绿釉,中间以红彩书“大清乾隆年制”六字三行篆书款。 八仙之神话故事最早或见于唐宋,但人物组成不定,直到明代才形成了如今家喻户晓之八仙组合,其流行或与明代帝王崇信道教有关。时至清代,八仙的宗教意味渐弱,而以庆寿之意广为流传。清代宫廷承应戏中,八仙庆寿是最重要的一类,在帝后、皇子及公主寿诞时,常作为开场戏,以表帝王圣寿之时,神仙送仙物祝寿,得长生之喜,场面盛大华丽,并以此歌功颂德,赞颂太平盛景。This bottle skim mouth bundle neck, fat shoulder drum abdomen, convergence to the foot, foot skim. The main body of the utensil is painted with the patterns of the celestial beings wishing them a happy birthday. The south pole celestial wunderkind is holding the utensil and riding on the crane Han Shan, Shi De and two immortals hold a lotus, a treasure box, meaning family and beauty, social harmony. All the people to ride crane from the direction of longevity. The unique shape of the utensil consists of eight“Ruyi” clouds connected at the edge of the mouth, painted with floral patterns on the yellow ground, and the turquoise green patterns on the neck and feet, echoing up and down like the silk on a scroll, the main body pattern is more prominent, and the neck is decorated with the bat chime and the word“Swastika” to symbolize auspicious events. Foot also shi turquoise green glaze, red color in the middle of the book“Qianlong years of the Qing dynasty,” the six-line three-line seal. The myth of the Eight Immortals first appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties, but the composition of the characters is uncertain. By the Qing dynasty, the meaning of the eight immortals was becoming weaker, and the meaning of Keiju was widely spread. In the Qing dynasty, the Eight Immortals celebrated the birthday of the Emperor and Empress, the Prince and the princess, often as an opening act, to show the Emperor's holy birthday, the Immortals sent immortals to celebrate the birthday, to get the joy of eternal life, the scene is grand and gorgeous, and with this eulogy, praise the peace scene.