清乾隆 粉彩百花不落地梅瓶一对

清乾隆 粉彩百花不落地梅瓶一对


藏 品:清乾隆 粉彩百花不落地梅瓶一对

編 號:1008



規 格:H:36cm




百花不落地,是将粉彩与金彩结合,各色花朵将整个画面填满,不露出瓷底,也不露出花朵的枝干。百花如同天女散花,浮于空中,故称“百花不落地”。百花不落地梅瓶的画面繁缛,极尽工巧,衬托出了器物本身的雍容华贵,强烈的视觉冲击表现出了极大的美感。梅瓶器形周正,小口束颈溜肩,弧腹,圈足。通体以粉彩绘百花锦地,花叶色泽艳丽,纹饰刻画繁缛,繁而不乱。颜色艳丽华贵,收藏观赏极佳。A hundred flowers do not fall to the ground, is the combination of pastel and gold color, colorful flowers will fill the entire picture, do not show the porcelain bottom, also do not show the flower branches. A hundred flowers are like the flowers of heaven, floating in the air, it is called“Flowers do not fall to the ground.”. The picture of the plum vase with a hundred flowers not falling to the ground is so complicated and ingenious that it sets off the graceful and noble of the utensil itself. The strong visual impact shows a great sense of beauty. The plum bottle shape circumferential, the small mouth straps the neck to slide the shoulder, the arc abdomen, the circle foot. The whole body to the pastel painted flowers and brocade, flowers and leaves * ze bright, decorative patterns painted red, complex and not messy. Yan * Gorgeous and luxurious, excellent collection and viewing.