清雍正 青花仿永乐荔枝纹抱月瓶

清雍正 青花仿永乐荔枝纹抱月瓶


藏 品:清雍正 青花仿永乐荔枝纹抱月瓶

編 號:1009



規 格:H:26.5cm




本瓶器型端庄隽秀,壶细口,直颈,扁圆形腹,椭圆形圈足,平砂底无釉,釉汁匀净淡雅,细腻莹润。肩部饰对称的如意形双耳,许之衡称为「口际飘双带」。口沿青花花纹装饰,颈饰蕉叶纹,肩与底部皆绘海水纹,主题纹饰的折枝荔枝亦是以永窑为范,谐音「利吉」。 本品为雍正御窑摹古永乐青花之卓越代表,其所摹之祖本可参见大英博物馆典藏永乐青花荔枝图扁壶,著录于《Ming Ceramics》,J. Harrison Hall,页109,编号3:20。比较二者,本品仿永乐苏麻离青料所绘青花点染;近底处海水波浪纹饰画法;荔枝枝干勾勒,无一不忠于原型,本器施釉肥厚,白中泛青,为典型雍正官窑仿永乐青花之佳作。 永宣御窑品格之美,为有明一代之冠,其中青花一门,极负盛名,终明之世,精光不泯,影响波及数百年。永宣时期青花采用进口“苏麻离青”料,青花发色浓郁深沉,笔画起承转合处,釉料浓厚,入窑之后呈黑蓝色星星点点,非但不暗沉,更显油亮,被称为“铁锈斑”。永宣青花瓷器纹饰布局疏朗清新,勾绘舒展流畅,静雅可赏,加之以“苏麻离青”料勾勒,宛若一幅水墨画跃然瓶上。雍正皇帝雅好古物,品味颇高,宫廷制器有“仿旧须宗雅则,肇新亦有渊源”之原则,仿古采今,蔚为大观,永宣制器苍妍雄浑之品格最得胤禛之青睐。本品为雍正御窑摹古永乐青花之卓越代表。This bottle model dignified juanxiu, fine-mouthed pot, straight neck, flat round abdomen, oval circle foot, flat sand bottom without glaze, glaze juice even pure elegant, delicate Ying Run. The symmetrical ruyi shape of the shoulders, Xu Zhiheng called the“Double belt floating between the mouth.”. The mouth is decorated with a blue and white pattern. The neck is decorated with a banana leaf pattern, and the shoulders and bottom are painted with a sea water pattern. The theme design of the folded Litchi is also based on the wing kiln, with the homophonic sound of“Lucky”. This product is the outstanding representative of Yongle Blue and white painted by Yongzheng imperial kiln. The ancestor of this product can be found in the lichee Tubian pot of Yongle blue and white painted by Museum. Harrison Hall, page 109, serial number 3:20. Comparing the two, this product imitates the blue-and-white stippling painted by Yongle Su Ma Li Qing materials; near the bottom of the sea wave pattern painting method; Litchi stem outline, none of them are loyal to the prototype, this device glaze rich, white pan-blue, for the typical Yongzheng official kiln imitation yongle blue and white works. Yongxuan Yu kiln character of the United States, for the Ming dynasty crown, one of the blue and white, very famous, the end of the Ming dynasty, the light of light, affecting hundreds of years. Yongxuan period blue and white used imported“Su Ma Li Qing” material, blue and white hair color rich and deep, strokes from the joint, thick glaze, into the kiln after a black and blue stars, not only dark, more shiny, it is called“Rust Spot”. Yongxuan blue and white porcelain pattern layout sparse and fresh, delineate stretch smooth, quiet and elegant to appreciate, together with“Su Ma Li Qing” material outlined, like a water and ink painting jump on the bottle. Emperor Yongzheng had a good taste in antiques, and his palace wares were made on the principle that“If you copy the old, you must follow the old; if you copy the new, you must have the same origin.”. This product is the outstanding representative of Yongzheng imperial kiln imitating ancient Yongle blue and white.