


藏 品:大明成化年制款斗彩葡萄纹高足杯一对

編 號:1085



規 格:H:6.5cm C:8.5cm




此品造型小巧玲珑,胎体轻薄,轻盈秀丽,釉质莹润,纹饰精美,恬淡素雅,色彩艳丽不躁,自然柔和。杯腹部采用釉下青花勾勒葡萄枝蔓,以红,绿,黄,姹紫填色,姹紫颇为珍贵,非常难烧,十器九难成色。此对器物完美呈现,姹紫妍丽冰纷赏心悦目,笔法细腻娴熟,枝繁叶茂,藤蔓缠绕,葡萄丰收硕果累累,寓意多子多福之景象。此品胎体牙白,釉面如脂似玉,构图严谨线条流畅,画意一丝不苟,生动写实。此种式样的高足杯为明代成化皇帝首创,明人称之为“斗彩葡萄高足杯”明未谷泰撰《博物要览》曰:成窑上品赞美斗彩葡萄高足杯,比喻此宝物为绝世珍藏,式较宣杯妙甚",一对更是堪称传世臻宝,价值连城,值得收藏!This artwork has a small and exquisite design, with a light and delicate body, a light and beautiful glaze, exquisite patterns, and a tranquil and elegant style. The color is bright and not irritable, and it is naturally soft. The belly of the cup is outlined in underglaze blue and white, with grape branches and vines colored in red, green, yellow, and purple. Purple is quite precious and difficult to burn, making it difficult to achieve color. This pair of artifacts is perfectly presented, with a beautiful purple and icy color that is pleasing to the eye. The brushstrokes are delicate and skilled, with lush branches and leaves, intertwined with vines, and abundant grape harvests and fruits, symbolizing the scene of multiple children and multiple blessings. This product has a body with white teeth and a glaze resembling jade. The composition is rigorous and the lines are smooth, and the painting is meticulous and vivid. This style of high foot cup was first created by Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty and was referred to as the "Doucai Grape High Foot Cup" by Ming Wei Gu Tai in his "Natural History Overview", which states: "The top grade of the Chengyao kiln praises the Doucai Grape High Foot Cup, metaphorically referring to this treasure as an unparalleled treasure, with a more exquisite style than the Xuanbei cup." The pair is even more precious and worth collecting!