清乾隆 青花缠枝莲纹六方贯耳瓶

清乾隆 青花缠枝莲纹六方贯耳瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 青花缠枝莲纹六方贯耳瓶

編 號:1086



規 格:H:26.5cm




清乾隆 青花缠枝莲纹六方贯耳瓶,本品撇口,束颈,颈部置对称贯耳,折肩,六方腹及底内收,下承高圈足。其造型即取法青铜礼器,端庄大气,线条优美流畅,古朴而典雅。瓶内外施透明釉,釉下以青花为饰。自上而下可达六层。口沿、胫部、外足墙分别绘以回纹纹,贯套花卉,海水纹。肩及腹部分别以缠枝莲纹为饰,枝卷叶茂,勾连绵密,繁花似锦,极具美感。整器青花色泽层次鲜明、浓淡相宜,苍雅之气跃然眼前,工匠鬼斧神工的技艺表现得淋漓尽致。Qing Qing Qianlong Blue and white lotus-wrapped six-square ear-piercing bottle, this product is made of the mouth, neck, neck set symmetry ear, broken shoulders, six-square abdomen and bottom inward, under the high circle foot. Its modelling namely takes the law bronze sacrificial vessel, the dignified atmosphere, the line is graceful smooth, simple and elegant. Inside and outside the bottle with transparent glaze, underglaze with blue and white decoration. Up to six stories. Mouth along, Shin, foot wall were painted with a pattern, through the set of flowers, water pattern. The shoulders and abdomen are decorated with twigs and lotus patterns. The branches are luxuriant and full of flowers. The whole piece of blue and white color level distinct, appropriate shade, elegant gas enlivened in front of, craftsmen uncanny craft performance incisively and vividly