Qing Qianlong Pink Nine Peach Sky Ball Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Pink Nine Peach Sky Ball Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Pink Nine Peach Sky Ball Bottle


Starting Price:QAR: 2,590,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This Qianlong Kiln pink celestial vase is painted with a peach tree, with a strong and towering trunk and powerful branches that stretch and stretch. The intensity and depth of the green leaves, backed by yin and yang, are entirely derived from the painter's sketching, without any rough and hasty strokes. The layout of Taoshi further reflects the traditional painting principle of "accumulating three to five", and each longevity peach has different angles and a strong sense of three dimensionality, confirming the technical characteristics of "the color of clear water is easy to fill". Peach blossoms are either in full bloom or in full bloom, both possessing the quality of ice and jade, with the posture of returning to the wind and dancing in the snow. Beside the peach tree, nestled against a rose, it showcases the virtue of humility and non competition. "Rose" is also a flower with a higher frequency in Yongzheng porcelain body painting enamel artifacts. Although this bottle is a supporting role, it has a fresh posture and bright colors. It still has the charm of "Chaochao and Longyue, and years of age account for Changchun". The bottle body is solid, white glaze is like grease, and the bottom is painted with white glaze. In the middle of the bottle is the "made in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty", which makes the style of wine and writing strong; It is completely consistent with the "Qing Qianlong Pink Nine Peach Heavenly Ball Bottle" stored in the Palace Museum in Beijing, and compared with the "Qing Yongzheng Pink Nine Peach Heavenly Ball Bottle" sold by Sotheby's in Hong Kong in 1996, the layout, color texture, and painting techniques of the two are very similar. The Yongzheng official kiln once fired porcelain with powder painted peach fruit and rose patterns, commonly in two shapes: large plates and celestial sphere vases. Later Qianlong also cherished such artifacts and inherited the tradition of firing them. However, there was a difference in the number of longevity peaches compared to the previous dynasty. During Qianlong's reign, he often painted "nine peaches", while during Yongzheng's reign, he often painted "eight peaches", which is a common saying of "Yong Ba Gan Jiu". The Nine Differentiations in the Chu Ci: "The Nine are the number of Yang and the principles of the Tao."; In the Book of Changes, the Yang line is used as the ninth line. Using "nine" as an approximate number, it generally refers to the extreme of positive numbers. "Jiu" sounds homophonic with "jiu", and Jiu Tao also carries the meaning of "longevity" and "long-term peace". The "Lord of Jiu Wu" should be well received and enjoyed. " The Tianqiu Bottle was first created during the Yongle and Xuande periods of the early Ming Dynasty and was deeply influenced by foreign artifacts. It was rendered in the form of Su Ma Ni Qing, depicting entangled branches or cloud dragons, with a charming and imposing tone. After a flash in the pan, such artifacts were not seen again in the Ming Dynasty until the late Kangxi period when they were restored to firing. During the Yonggan period, the proportion of the "Heavenly Ball Bottle" was well proportioned and stood out among the display bottles and revered objects, winning the favor of emperors. Coupled with the flourishing culture and extraordinary craftsmanship, it created a magnificent or delicate official kiln masterpiece. The pink nine peach Heavenly Ball Bottle undoubtedly belongs to the latter, like the smiling spring peach, bringing a ray of spring breeze from hundreds of years ago. This official kiln pink nine peach celestial sphere vase is a perfect combination of Western technology and traditional porcelain art in the early Qianlong period, and is also a model of aesthetic appreciation in the court. In the late Qing and Republic of China, a large number of imitations of this product were also made, which shows its high and elegant style. The presence of this deity is enough to satisfy the eyes of today's people, and it should be remembered for a lifetime.