Li Keran's "Ten Thousand Mountains Red Through the Layers of Forests, Dyed to the End"

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Li Keran's

Auction Information

Product:Li Keran's "Ten Thousand Mountains Red Through the Layers of Forests, Dyed to the End"


Starting Price:QAR:600,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:105cm W:57cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


According to the sentence of“Wanshan Hongbu, Tien Lin Juran”, Wanshan Hongbu, Wanshan Hongbu, Tien Lin Juran recreated the art world, and compared black and red to write the scenery of southern late autumn, with idealized poetic color. In the painting, the towering peaks occupy the center of the painting, and a large number of vermilion dots are used to paint the red trees in the foreground like silhouettes There are white waterfalls, white streams and white tiled houses in the middle of the painting