Wang Meng's "The Migration of Zhichuan"

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Wang Meng's

Auction Information

Product:Wang Meng's "The Migration of Zhichuan"


Starting Price:QAR:30,000,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 32,000,000

Specification:H:120cm W:54cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The "Zhichuan Migration Map" depicts the story of Ge Hong, a Taoist theorist and traditional Chinese medicine expert, who moved his entire family from Jiangsu to Luofu Mountain in Boluo County, Guangdong Province during the Eastern Jin Dynasty to refine pills. The person wearing a Taoist robe and riding on the back of a cow in the painting is Ge Hong. According to relevant information, it has been confirmed that there were indeed people and corresponding stories in history. In the painting, Ge Hong walked and looked, his expression focused on the book in his hand. Behind Ge Hong, who was also riding on the back of a cow, were his wife and several children. The younger child was held in his arms, while the older one sat behind him. There are several servants on the screen, either carrying chicken coops, leading cows and sheep, or carrying heavy loads, seemingly carrying all the essential items of the family's life. It is not difficult to see from the situation depicted in this painting that the Ge Hong family has arrived at their destination after several days of cycling, with several thatched cottages hidden in the deep mountains. In the courtyard in front of the house, the servants who arrived first are cleaning the courtyard and welcoming their master. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Ge Hong moved to Mount Luofu and, due to his lack of ambition to become an official, went to the fairyland of Mount Luofu to cultivate and study. Why did Wang Meng use Ge Hong as the material to create this painting? According to historical records, at that time, Wang Meng's own experience was similar to Ge Hong's situation, which led to his feelings. Everyone can see from the "Zhichuan Migration Map" that, in terms of overall layout, it mostly adopts a complex and winding posture, with high mountains and dense forests, winding valleys and deep valleys, exuding a grand and majestic atmosphere. Most of Wang Meng's landscapes use the medium of highlighting the majestic and vigorous life force of nature, tortuously conveying the painter's dissatisfaction and unwillingness towards the turbid world. This is a true reflection of his situation at that time. Wang Meng's "The Migration of Zhichuan" is a painting that alludes to the ideal of seclusion. Due to social unrest, he imitated Ge Hong and went to Huang Heshan in Yuhang, Zhejiang to live in seclusion. Therefore, it can be said that the protagonist of Wang Meng's paintings is Ge Hong, and in fact, he is himself: Ge Hong's high demeanor and integrity are also a true portrayal of his own inner self.